Call + Response: 25 Years of Internet Security
2016 W3 Awards Gold Winner in Events and Live Webcasts
2016 W3 Awards Gold Winner in Branded Content: Promotional/Branding
Client: RSA Conference/Bruce Porter & Associates Agency: cyberia media
This short documentary tells the story of cyber security from 1990 to 2015. Folded into this story is the founding and development of the RSA Conference, whose growth not only parallels the history of cyber security but in many ways defines it.
The project was originally developed in two formats: 7:1 (10,400 pxls x 1080 pxls) for event presentation and 16:9 standard HD for the web.
I was responsible for the art direction, research, image research, assets management, design and image production. In addition, I was responsible for the creative direction, art direction, design and production of the side screen artwork that celebrated each year of the RSA Conference from 1991–2016.